The database is used to store information about what users are allowed to use the admin panel and what activities and roles these users have.
  • The Database Set-up field-set is used to specify what database management system should be used, how it should be connected to, and what user name and password should be used for the connection.
  • Supported Databases
    • PDO (PHP's generic DBMS interface).
    • Sqlite3 Database.
    • Mysql Database.
  • Unlike many database systems, if an sqlite3 database is being used then the connection is always a file on the current filesystem and there is no notion of login and password, so in this case only the name of the database is asked for. For sqlite, the database is stored in WORK_DIRECTORY/data.
  • For single user settings with a limited number of news feeds, sqlite is probably the most convenient database system to use with Yioop. If you think you are going to make use of Yioop's social functionality and have many users, feeds, and crawl mixes, using a system like Mysql or Postgres might be more appropriate.