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==Advertising on Findcan== Findcan supports keyword advertising! Rates can be as a low as pennies/keyword/day of display. Below is a description of how to sign up for advertising on Findcan.ca and beneath this are the [[advertise#Terms%20and%20Conditions|Terms and Conditions]] that Findcan advertisements are subject to. To advertise on Findcan.ca: #If you haven't already done so, [[https://www.findcan.ca/register?a=createAccount|Create an Account]]. #[[https://www.findcan.ca/admin|Sign in]] to your account. #Click on Manage Credits. You should see a screen like: {{class="docs" ((resource:FindcanAdCredits.png|Initial Ad Credit Screen)) }} #To use the advertisement system one first purchases a block of ad credits using the Purchase Ad Credits form. One ad credit costs 0.01 USD. Once purchased, one can spend ad credits under Manage Advertisements on keyword advertisements. #Clicking on the [?] next to Purchase Ad Credits reveals an integrated help screen which describes what each of the fields in purchasing an ad credit is for. #Credit Card Purchase of ad credits is done using [[https://stripe.com|Stripe.com]] in US dollars. Stripe is a well-known credit-card payment processor [[https://stripe.com/gallery|trusted by many companies]]. The Stripe web-site handles your credit card details. Findcan.ca itself does not receive or store your credit card information. '''Your card will be charged when you click the Purchase button'''. #Recent ad credit transactions will show below the Ad Credit form on this page. #The Manage Advertisement page has a form that looks like: {{class="docs" ((resource:FindcanManageAdvertisement.png|Manage Advertisement Form)) }} #Again clicking on the [?] next to Purchase Ad Listings reveals an integrated help screen which describes what each of the fields in purchasing an ad is for. #Below the Purchase Ad Listing form is an '''Advertisement List''' which lets a user view and manipulate existing ads. ==Terms and Conditions== These terms of service ("terms") are entered to by Seekquarry LLC ("Seekquarry") and the entity executing these terms or that accepts these terms electronically ("Customer"). These terms govern the Customer's participation in the keyword advertising services for the accounts given by Seekquarry to the Customer on the findcan.ca website in connection with these terms ("Findcan Ad Services"). These terms may be updated without notification to the Customer, however, the terms that apply to a given ad listing purchase, are the terms as they existed at the moment of purchase. A current version of these terms will be available any time at [[https://www.findcan.ca/p/advertise#Terms%20and%20Conditions|https://www.findcan.ca/p/advertise#Terms%20and%20Conditions]]. By making use of Findcan Ad Services the Customer accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Terms of Service agreement as well as the general [[terms|Findcan Services Terms of Service Agreement]]. In consideration of the above, Seekquarry LLC and the Customer agree that: ===Description of Ad Services=== Findcan.ca is developed using code from [[http://www.seekquarry.com/|Seekquarry.com]]. In particular, it uses Seekquarry's keyword advertising solution. The Seekquarry site has a [[http://www.seekquarry.com/p/Documentation#Keyword%20Advertising|detailed description of how Findcan's keyword advertising works]], including ad credit purchase, bid mechanics, and how ads are displayed based on bid amounts. When the Customer purchases an ad listing using ad credits on Findcan.ca, it is "active" from the midnight (Pacific Standard Time) that started the day of purchase for the number of days selected in the Campaign Duration field of the purchased ad listing. A purchased ad listing constitutes an opportunity for the Customer's ad to be displayed on a search results page for one of the keywords listed while the ad listing is active. Seekquarry through the Findcan website provides the Customer with information about how many times the Customer's ad was served and how many times the Customer's ad was clicked while the Customer's ad campaign is active. Seekquarry makes no guarantees that the Customer's ad will be served or that it will be clicked on during this time frame. The likelihood of either event is contingent on many factors such as the popularity of the keywords chosen as well as how well the Customer wrote their ad. ===Ad Content=== By purchasing an ad listing, the Customer confirms that the ad does not violate the [[https://www.findcan.ca/p/terms#Restrictions%20on%20Use%20of%20Service|Findcan Terms Restrictions on Use of Service]]. As Payment Processing is done using [[https://stripe.com|Stripe.com]], the Customer also confirms that the ad is not for one of [[https://stripe.com/us/prohibited-businesses|Stripe's List of Prohibited Businesses]]. ===Ad Cancellation=== Ad listings go into effect from the time of purchase. While an ad listing is active, either party may choose to deactivate/suspend its display through the Findcan user interface. If the Customer deactivates their own ad or if Seekquarry suspends a Customer's ad for a violation of these terms, the Customer agrees not to seek a refund for the remaining active portion of their ad listing. If, on the other hand, Seekquarry suspends an ad for a reason other than a violation of these terms, the Customer may request a refund in ad credits for the remaining portion of their ad listing provided a request via email to chris@pollett.org, Seekquarry LLC representative, is made within 30 days of the ad suspension. ===Payment=== The Customer will pay all charges incurred in connection with an ad credit purchase at the time of that purchase via a Seekquarry approved mechanism. Currently, payment processing is done via [[https://stripe.com/|Stripe.com]]. Charges for a particular ad credit purchase are based on the Quantity of credits selected and their price in US dollars as entered by the Customer on the Findcan Purchase Ad Credits Form. Any portion of a charge not disputed in good faith within 30 days of the charge must be paid in full. Disputes on charges need to be made via email to chris@pollett.org, Seekquarry LLC representative. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CUSTOMER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS RELATING TO ANY AD CREDITS CHARGES UNLESS A CLAIM IS MADE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF PURCHASE. The Customer acknowledges that as Stripe.com is the payment processor, any credit card and related billing and payment information provided by the Customer might be used by Stripe.com or companies that work on Stripe.com's behalf to provide credit checks, effect payments, or collect debts.
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